The Golden Trowel

The Golden Trowel Award is the highest award a lodge can bestow on a member, aimed at recognizing exemplary service and dedication within the Masonic community. This award is presented to an individual Mason who has demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities, commitment to the welfare of the lodge, and significant contributions to the advancement of Freemasonry.

Nominations for the Golden Trowel Award typically originate from individual lodges within the Grand Lodge's various districts. The process encourages lodges to acknowledge brethren who have gone above and beyond in their efforts, whether in administrative roles, community service, or mentorship. The selected recipient embodies the ideals of Freemasonry, showcasing not only personal excellence but also fostering unity and moral integrity within the lodge and the community at large.

The Golden Trowel symbolizes the art of building, paralleling the teachings of Freemasonry regarding the process of self-improvement and the building of character. By recognizing these exceptional individuals, the Grand Lodge of Texas underscores the importance of dedication, service, and the continual pursuit of knowledge and brotherhood that is fundamental to the Masonic philosophy.

The award serves as a beacon of inspiration for all Masons, encouraging them to strive for excellence in their own lodges and to remain actively engaged in the betterment of themselves and their communities.

  • Robert R Roggenbuck Jr.

    Golden Trowel Recipient from 2022