Anahuac Masonic Lodge No. 995

The Anahuac Masonic Lodge No. 995 is a Masonic lodge located in Anahuac, Texas. It is part of the Grand Lodge of Texas, which oversees Masonic lodges in the state. Masonic lodges are fraternal organizations that follow traditions of Freemasonry, focusing on brotherhood, moral development, and community service.

The lodge holds regular meetings, and charitable events in the local community. If you’re looking for specific details like meeting times, membership requirements, or history contact a Brother Mason today.

Family Nomination

Thanksgiving and Christmas are seasons of giving, but for some families, the financial strain of the holidays can be overwhelming. Each year, Anahuac Masonic Lodge selects a family to support with a festive meal, small gifts, and/or a monetary donation. We invite you to nominate a family who could truly benefit from our assistance this holiday season